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How Much Does It Cost to Replace a Sewer Line?

The age-old questions that we get asked every day on the job is, "when is it time to stop throwing money away on pipe repairs and invest in a new sewer line?"

Which is shortly followed by, "how much will it cost to replace it?"

If you continue to have blocked drain issues occur in your home, there may be a bigger issue at play. Some things to factor in when making this big decision include; age, chronic issues, blockages, trees and weird sounds.

The older your home becomes, the more likely it needs a line replacement.

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A house built over forty years ago is likely needing one very soon. If you have had a plumber over more times than you can count in the past couple of years, there may be a bigger underlying issue, particularly if water is backing up in your house or if you have regular clogs.

While trees are beautiful to look at around your home, they can pose a much bigger threat than people realise.

Tree roots are always searching for water and love finding a constant supply in your pipes – but along the way they crack and break your pipes into disrepair! Bubbling and gurgling sounds when you use any taps, showers or toilets is not a good sign and could be an indicator that there is a clog in your line.

6 Steps To Jetset's Relining Process

How Much Will It Cost?

There a number of different techniques that can be executed to ensure your sewer line is properly replaced. These techniques vary in price and are all dependant on each unique home or business. For every repair or replacement, a licensed plumbing technician is required to undertake the job, ensuring that all works completed meet the Australian Plumbing Standard.

Traditional sewer line replacement is a technique that requires the plumber to assess where the pipes are damaged by using a CCTV drain camera and inserting it into the pipe.

After this, the plumber will then measure out which area of the line needs to be dug up – sometimes the line can be metres deep in the ground.

Depending on the depth, the plumber will hand dig or use an excavator. If an excavator needs to be used because hand-digging will take too long, this too will add to the cost. Another factor to consider is whether the damaged section is under normal dirt or concrete.

If it is under a slab of concrete, a concrete saw will have to be used to expose the dirt so that it can be dug up. This is a very time-consuming and tedious process as great precaution must be taken to ensure other pipes and lines are not damaged in the process.

As you can see, there are a number of factors that are involved in determining the cost of a job. No two sewer line replacements are the same.

Get in touch with the Jetset Plumbing team today so they can send out a qualified plumber to assist in finding the best plan of attack for your sewer needs.

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