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Four Major Signs Of A Blocked Drain

A blocked drain is a nightmare for many household owners. As water doesn't drain properly, it can lead to further problems not limited to your drainage system. Fortunately, blocked drains can show warning signs before they break down completely.

Here are four major tell tale signs:

1. Drain Takes Too Long To Drain Water Away

It should not take more than a few of seconds to drain flowing water from the surface of your sink or shower. As for bathtubs and toilets, the water should create a whirlpool motion when draining to indicate that it's flowing continuously. If these take longer than expected, it's a sign that the blockage is starting to accumulate more debris in the pipeline.

Signs of a blocked drain

2. Drain Is Overflowing

The easiest sign to tell if there is a blockage in your drains is when the toilet overflows when flushing. As water cannot pass through the pipes properly, it back-flows and causes the water to rise. In some cases, water pressure (such as a plunger) is enough to remove such a blockage, if this is not the case, professional servicing is advisable.

3. Drain Starts To Smell

A blockage is present if the area around your kitchen sink, shower, bathtub, or toilet starts to smell. Anything stuck in the pipelines can catch debris, like food, hair strands, or anything solid, and accumulates over time. As these remain untreated, they'll start to decompose and spread foul odour back through the pipe openings.

Drain starts to smell or make strange noises

4. Drain Makes Strange Noises

Do you hear any gurgling sound whenever you're draining water from the sink or simply taking a shower? Then it's a sign to have your pipes looked at. This sound is due to water flow disruptions, especially when the pressure is high. If water doesn't flow straight down, it creates noise upon hitting whatever is stuck in the pipeline.

Don't wait for these warning signs to become a more serious matter.

Get a plumber out to unblock your drain. Call Jetset Plumbing today.

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